miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2007


La infancia ha perdido su significado. Hoy en día es solamente una pista para representar una edad, y nada más. John Kaplan -fotógrafo- en su proyecto "russia's ruined youth" refleja cómo los infantes se han convertido en parte activa de la sociedad, viviendo igual que adultos, robando, fumando, matando, etc.

" Sergei: The Airport is His Home. Sergei Mayorov, 8, has been alone on the street in St. Petersburg, Russia for nearly three years. He insists on smoking American Marlboro cigarettes, which cost the equivalent of two days average Russian wages. He steals or begs to gather money to buy them, then gives them away. "

"Sergei: Stealing to Survive. Sergei boldly steals the wallet of a sleeping man in the St. Petersburg, Russia airport. He and other young bandits brag about their bravado and thievery."

Tomado de la página web de John Kaplan

armando alvarez.

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